Polyester yarn export price see a sharp jump in two years
Polyester yarn exports surged 20% in volume and 41% in value during April 2018. Export of 100% man-made fibre yarns exports also surged during the month both in volume and value comprising 4 million kg of polyester yarn, 1.6 million kg of viscose yarn and 1.3 million kg of acrylic yarn.
Polyester spun yarns were exported to 42 countries at average unit price of US$2.49 a kg. Turkey was the largest importer of polyester yarn, followed by Egypt and USA. The fastest growing destinations were Singapore, Kuwait, Indonesia, Mauritius and Australia. Although they accounted for marginal share in the total. Meanwhile Brazil and Netherlands significantly reduced their imports from India, Iran, Uganda, Iraq, Canada and Myanmar did not import any polyester yarn this month.
Among new markets, Spain, Jordan, China, Japan and Algeria were the major ones with combined value at US$0.44 million accounting for 4% of total export value.
16/3 and 30s were the major count exported during the month.
Over the past two years, export price of polyester yarn has increased steadily with some monthly ups and downs. In April 2016, the average unit value realization was US$2.04 per kg, which rose to US$2.27 a kg in April 2017 and further up to US$2.49 a kg this April. The rise somewhat closely followed trend in polyester fibre prices both in domestic and global markets while demand remained sluggish with no clear trend.