Cotton yarn export Oct 2018

Cotton yarn export fetches higher price this October

Cotton yarn export in October 2018 was at 99 million kg worth US$310 million (INR2,250 crore), 11% above previous year’s level. 70 countries imported cotton yarn from India at an average price of US$3.13 a kg, up US cents 13 from a year ago. However, compared to a month ago, the average was lower by US cents 14 a kg.

Cotton yarn export Markets Oct 2018
Cotton yarn export Markets Oct 2018

China, the top importer,  reduced its import of cotton yarn from India in volume and value terms. It was followed by Bangladesh with volume and value doubling over the year. In September too it had clocked a growth of 70%. South Egypt and Portugal were the other major importers, both recording 1/3rd increase in imports from India. Fourteen countries did not import any cotton yarn from India this October as they had imported yarn worth US$2.46 million same month last year. However, they were replaced by 11 other countries which imported yarn worth US$1.96 million.

Syria, South Africa, Dominican Republic, USA and Slovenia were among top five fastest importers of cotton yarn in October while Cote D’Ivoire, Brazil, Hong Kong, North Korea and Bahrain significantly reduced their imports compared to last year.

100% man-made fibre yarns exports declined in October, comprising 3.4 million kg of polyester yarn, 1.5 million kg of viscose yarn and 2.2 million kg of acrylic yarn. Polyester yarn exports rose 9% in value while viscose yarn exports value declined sharply by 23% during the month. Acrylic yarn exports were up three folds.

Polyester spun yarns worth US$8.6 million were exported to 43 countries at average unit price of US$2.54 a kg. Turkey was the largest importer of polyester yarn, followed by USA and Brazil. Unit price realization was up US cents 4 compared to last month and up US cents 31 from last year.

Viscose yarn worth US5.3 million or INR39 crore was exported in October at an average price of US$3.56 per kg. Belgium was the top importer worth US$1.28 million, followed by Bangladesh and Turkey. Portugal was the fourth largest importer of viscose yarn during the month.

Blended spun yarns worth US$46 million were exported in October, up 18% YoY in value terms. During the month, 10.2 million kg of PC yarns was exported worth US$28 million while 3.4 million kg of PV yarns were exported worth US$10 million

Bangladesh, Egypt and Colombia, were the largest importers of PC yarn from India while Turkey was the single largest importer of PV yarns from India followed distantly by Iran.

All spun yarns shipment totaled 122 million kg (up 7%) worth US$375 million (up 12%) implying an average unit value realization of US$3.08 per kg, down US cents 14 compared to last year. Meanwhile, the INR against the US$ weakened to INR72.65 this October, which augured well for exports. China was the largest buyer of spun yarns, both in terms of volume and value.

In September shipment of fibre, spun and filament yarn continued to march up on a low base and higher pricing. They were 38% up in INR term and 21% in US$ terms during the month at US$635 million.

Cotton yarn export prices Oct 2018
Cotton yarn export prices Oct 2018

(Textile Beacon’s Fibre to Yarn Export Statistics – India covers monthly shipment of all kinds of fibres, spun yarns and filament yarns from Indian ports. It covers natural and manmade fibres, spun yarns of cotton, viscose, polyester, acrylic, and their blends, filament yarns of polyester, nylon, polypropylene and viscose. Three key variables, namely – Volume, value and unit price realization, are analysed by counts and markets.)


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